The Criminal Investigative Division (CID) is a division within the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The CID is the primary component within the FBI responsible for overseeing FBI investigations of traditional crimes such as narcotics trafficking and violent crime.
The CID is the FBI's largest operational division, with 4,800 field special agents, 300 intelligence analysts, and 520 Headquarters employees. Following the September 11 terror attacks, the CID was dramatically restructured with a significant portion of its resources being diverted into the new FBI National Security Branch.
Video FBI Criminal Investigative Division
Headed by an FBI Assistant Director, the CID is responsible to the Executive Assistant Director of the FBI Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch.
The current CID Assistant Director is Kevin L. Perkins, who is also the Acting Executive Assistant Director of CCRSB, who has served in that position since April 17, 2007.
Maps FBI Criminal Investigative Division
The CID's organizational structure was reorganized during FY 2004 by FBI leadership in an effort to better reflect current trends in criminal activity.
- National Crimes Branch
- Integrity in Government/Civil Rights Section
- Financial Crimes Section
- Operational Support Section
- Violent Crimes Section
- Criminal Enterprise Branch
- Americas Criminal Enterprise Section - addresses drugs, gangs, and major thefts
- Transnational Criminal Enterprise Section - investigate organized crime matters
External links
- Federal Bureau of Investigation Website
- Official Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch Website
- Criminal Investigative Division
- Official Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch Website
Source of the article : Wikipedia